
Monday, January 31, 2011

In which I discuss my upcoming laparoscopy

As I mentioned before, I had a laparoscopy (hereafter referred to as a "lapo") in 2006.  On Valentine's Day, to be precise.  5 years, no babies, and plenty of pain later, I'm having my second one tomorrow.  My gynaecologist, Dr Swift, will check out whether my endo has come back (probably), and if there's any other reason I might not be getting pregnant.  Popular theories include "you're thinking about it too much", "you're too stressed", and "it's all in your head".

Newsflash: telling an already stressed person who is already over-analysing everything to chill out and stop thinking about it is just not going to help, and will probably make it worse.  This applies to every situation in which a person is stressed and over-analysing, and especially so for someone trying to get pregnant.

Here's the thing: conception is still quite mysterious.  While pretty much everyone knows the basic story - sperm meets egg, has a few laughs, etc - there are so many factors that contribute to the success or failure of this simple mechanic that it's amazing anyone gets pregnant, ever.  For every "I knew someone who couldn't get pregnant for years, then they (had a holiday/took this pill/had sex on a hilltop under a full moon) and BAM!" story, there are plenty more where that didn't work, because (and this may come as a surprise to some of you) EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT.

The journey I am undertaking with my husband in an effort to get pregnant is a personal one.  Just because I'm sharing it here, that doesn't mean I'm asking for advice, you see?  Sympathy, empathy, constructive suggestions, sure - but telling me what I should be thinking or feeling is not going to help and will probably just annoy me.

For a hilarious and touching commentary on infertility from a male point of view, please read "Inconceivable" by Ben Elton (don't bother with the movie version, Maybe Baby: I love Hugh Laurie but the book version is much funnier).  I can't plug this book enough.  Ben Elton is usually top-notch, but he really just gets it with this book, because he went through it himself.

Lapo tomorrow.  I'll keep you all posted.  I don't have my follow-up until the 18th, however, so any detailed analysis won't be undertaken until then.

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