
Monday, September 5, 2011

IUI Round 3: A New Beginning

Day 1 of my cycle today means I start my drugs tomorrow.  75IUs of FSH, same as the last round.  Dr Swift is happy that the dose is right - last round I produced one excellent follicle at about the right time so fingers crossed we have a similar result this time.  And then of course we get to see if the hysteroscopy and D&C and had has helped make the insemination itself easier.  I go for my first blood test on Wednesday next week.  Fingers crossed we can do the insem on the Monday after that!  This round I definitely want to have both I-Day and R-Day off work.  Last round on results day I was a complete mess and couldn't focus on anything.  If both of those can occur on a Monday then that would be fabulous.

I'm feeling a little more confident this round but also a little more comfortable with whatever the outcome is.  It's always a fine line between being positive and building yourself up too much, as anyone in a similar situation would know.  So I'm staying positive but also adopting a wait-and-see approach.