
Monday, June 20, 2011

IUI Round 2: Starting Again

I got my period yesterday, a little earlier than I was expecting, but that might work out for the good with the timing - we may end up being able to do the IUI on a Monday again, which would be great.  Unfortunately, I hadn't dropped in to pick up my drugs for this round yet, so we had a bit of a scramble this morning to go in and get them so I could start my injections again today.

I got a new injection pen, which is easier to use than the last one, and a new set of needles.  I did the injection with the new pen in the clinic with Jo while we were there, to make sure I was doing it okay.  I'm starting out on 75 IUs this time, so I may respond more quickly.  I'm scheduled for my first blood test on Monday.

Overall, I don't feel like I'm in as positive a space as I was last round.  It's not that I'm disillusioned with the process itself yet, it's just that I have other stuff going on in my head that's making me feel a bit negative.  I miss my home and my family, and I'm going through another phase where it seems like everyone I know is either pregnant or a new parent.  My birthday is this week, another reminder that my time is running out, so to speak.  I'm trying to stay positive, but I'm not really sure how I'm going to handle this cycle.  We'll just have to wait and see, I suppose!


  1. I wish you all the best for this round. I really am cheering for you. Don't worry if you don't always feel positive about it all. It would get very tiring and draining (on top of life's usual demands), I imagine. Maybe it will all happen when you least expect.
    I really admire your bravery for blogging on your experiences. I hope you bring comfort/support to others in the same situation and that it educates those who aren't.

  2. Thanks for the positive comments :) Part of the reason I blog about it is for that reason - to show people who haven't gone through something like this what it's really like, and to let people who are going through it know they're not alone. Fertility is such a taboo subject, but I really think it has helped me to talk about it. If I can help others even a tiny bit, then that's even better.
